I see you...scrolling thru TikTok or Reels, watching those videos on makeup techniques, dreaming of a career as a makeup artist. While I didn't have social media growing up to show me what that career choice may look like, I did have a mother that was a makeup artist (so it's kinda the same thing, right?)
I absolutely LOVE what I get to do -- how I get to make women feel -- by a gift I have been blessed with. I would love nothing more than to tell you that the answer to the headline question - "Do you need a license (cosmetology or esthetician) to become a makeup artist" would be a resounding No...however, that is not always the case.
There are a lot of states that do not require a license, but there are many states that do. My first recommendation would be to go to Google and type in "Do I need a license to be a makeup artist in the state of (insert state here)." This will give you at least a jumping off place to see what the requirements are in your state. You can also see below for some resource links that may also help. Contact your Dept of Labor or Board of Cosmetology for your state if you have any questions on the requirements or if you need more clarification.
Now, with all of that said, I absolutely recommend that even if your state does not require a license, that you are well prepared before starting a freelance makeup artistry career. I recommend enrolling in a certification course that will take you through the basics. *** PLEASE KNOW that a certification in makeup artistry is not the same as a license (if your state requires it).
Knowing the fundamentals of skin, makeup types, face structures, color theory, business, sanitization importance, etc. IS ESSENTIAL!!!! (basically the things that you don't get in a basic YouTube tutorial from a makeup influencer). Even if you do go to school to be a Cosmetologist or Esthetician, the time they spend on actual makeup artistry is very little...it is recommended that you still do outside continuing education for your own growth in the industry.
Knowing the business side of the career is just as important as the makeup application side; if not, more. You want to be a thriving artist, not a starving artist. So, knowing how to market yourself, how to grow your brand, how to price yourself, what could the costs be to start up and so much more will make the difference in whether you last or not in the industry.
Here is a list of resources for each state. I encourage you to visit the websites or call to verify the most up to date information is available.
Alabama You will need to obtain your Esthetician license http://www.aboc.state.al.us/default.aspx
Alaska You will need to obtain your Esthetician license https://www.commerce.alaska.gov/web/cbpl/ProfessionalLicensing/BoardofBarbersHairdressers.aspx
Arizona No license required to work professionally as a Makeup Artist https://boc.az.gov/
Arkansas You will need to obtain your Esthetician license http://www.healthy.arkansas.gov/programsServices/hsLicensingRegulation/Cosmetology/Pages/default.aspx
California No license required to work as a professional freelance Makeup Artist (within the film, television, entertainment industry), or if you are applying makeup professionally to recommend/sell cosmetic products (department store and/or freelance sales) http://www.barbercosmo.ca.gov/
Colorado You will need to obtain your Esthetician license https://www.colorado.gov/dora/boards_programs
Connecticut No license required to work professionally as a Makeup Artist http://www.ct.gov/dph/cwp/view.asp?a=3143&q=388878
Delaware No license required to work professionally as a Makeup Artist for retail sales, film, television, or visual arts. You will need to obtain your Esthetician license if wanting to work in a salon http://www.dpr.delaware.gov/boards/cosmetology/
Washington DC You will need to obtain your Esthetician license http://www.pearsonvue.com/dc/barbers_cosmo/
Florida No license required to work professionally as a freelance Makeup Artist http://www.myfloridalicense.com/DBPR/cosmetology/faqs/#1595007276585-9243d62f-dbc9
Georgia No license required to work professionally as a freelance Makeup Artist and/or sell cosmetic product http://sos.ga.gov/index.php/licensing/plb/16
Hawaii You will need to obtain your Esthetician or Cosmetology license http://cca.hawaii.gov/pvl/boards/barber/
Idaho You will need to obtain your Esthetician or Cosmetology license https://ibol.idaho.gov/IBOL/BoardPage.aspx?Bureau=COS
Illinois No license required to work professionally as a Makeup Artist http://www.idfpr.com/profs/cosmo.asp
Indiana No license required to work professionally as a Makeup Artist, but must have some sort of schooling http://www.in.gov/pla/cosmo.htm
Iowa You will need to obtain your Esthetician or Cosmetology license http://www.idph.iowa.gov/
Kansas No license required to work professionally as a Makeup Artist http://www.kansas.gov/kboc/
Kentucky You will need to obtain your Esthetician or Cosmetology license http://kbhc.ky.gov/Pages/default.aspx
Louisiana Has a separate permit requirement for Makeup Artists http://www.lsbc.louisiana.gov/application_makeup.aspx
Maine You will need to obtain your Esthetician license http://www.maine.gov/pfr/professionallicensing/professions/barbers/cosmetology.html
Maryland No license required to work professionally as a Makeup Artist http://www.dllr.maryland.gov/license/cos/coslicreq.shtml
Massachusetts No license required to work professionally as a Makeup Artist http://www.mass.gov/ocabr/licensee/dpl-boards/hd/
Michigan No license required to work professionally as a Makeup Artist (unless working in a salon and not selling product) http://www.michigan.gov/lara/0,4601,7-154-72600_72602_72731_72864---,00.html
Minnesota No license required to work professionally as a Makeup Artist http://mn.gov/boards/cosmetologist-examiners/
Mississippi No license required to work professionally as a Makeup Artist http://www.msbc.ms.gov/Pages/default.aspx
Missouri No license required to work professionally as a Makeup Artist http://www.pr.mo.gov/cosbar.asp
Montana No license required to work professionally as a Makeup Artist for film, television, or visual arts. You will need to obtain your Esthetician license otherwise http://boards.bsd.dli.mt.gov/cos
Nebraska No license required to work professionally as a Makeup Artist, pay nominal fee to receive permit to apply makeup professionally http://www.boardofcosmetology.net/nebraska-state-board-of-cosmetology-cb27
Nevada No license required to work professionally as a freelance Makeup Artist, or if selling cosmetic product in a salon environment http://cosmetology.nv.gov/
New Hampshire You will need to obtain your Esthetician license http://www.oplc.nh.gov/
New Jersey No license required to work professionally as a Makeup Artist for film, television, or visual arts. You will need to obtain your Esthetician license otherwise http://www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/cos
New Mexico You will need to obtain your Esthetician license http://www.rld.state.nm.us/boards/barbers_and_cosmetologists.aspx
New York No license required to work professionally as a Makeup Artist. You will need to obtain your Esthetician license if wanting to work in a salon environment https://www.dos.ny.gov/licensing/esthetics/esthetics.html
North Carolina You will need to obtain your Esthetician license http://www.nccosmeticarts.com/
North Dakota You will need to obtain your Esthetician or Cosmetology license https://www.ndcosmetology.com/
Ohio You will need to obtain your Esthetician or Cosmetology license http://www.cos.ohio.gov/
Oklahoma You will need to obtain your Cosmetologist license https://www.ok.gov/cosmo/index.html
Oregon You will need to obtain your Esthetician license http://www.oregon.gov/oha/hlo/Pages/index.aspx
Pennsylvania You will need to obtain your Esthetician or Cosmetology license to receive compensation https://www.dos.pa.gov/ProfessionalLicensing/BoardsCommissions/Cosmetology/Documents/Board%20Documents/COSMETOLOGY%20LAW.pdf
Rhode Island No license required to work professionally as a Makeup Artist http://health.ri.gov/licenses/index.phpbeauty/
South Carolina You will need to obtain your Esthetician or Cosmetology license http://www.llr.state.sc.us/pol/cosmetology/
South Dakota You will need to obtain your Esthetician or Cosmetology license http://dlr.sd.gov/cosmetology/default.aspx
Tennessee You will need to obtain your Esthetician or Cosmetology license http://www.tn.gov/commerce/section/cosmetology-and-barber-examiners
Texas No license required to work professionally as a Makeup Artist https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/cosmet/cosmet.htm
Utah No license required to work professionally as a Makeup Artist, unless working in a salon environment and not selling cosmetics http://www.dopl.utah.gov/
Vermont No license required to work professionally as a Makeup Artist, unless working in a salon environment https://www.sec.state.vt.us/professional-regulation.aspx
Virginia No license required to work professionally as a Makeup Artist http://www.dpor.virginia.gov/Boards/BarberCosmo/#Education_and_Exams
Washington No license required to work professionally as a Makeup Artist http://www.dol.wa.gov/business/cosmetology/index.html
West Virginia You will need to obtain your Esthetician or Cosmetology license http://www.wvbbc.org/
Wisconsin You will need to obtain your Esthetician or Cosmetology license http://dsps.wi.gov/Boards-Councils/Board-Pages/Cosmetology-Examining-Board-Main-Page/
Wyoming You will need to obtain your Esthetician or Cosmetology license http://cosmetology.wy.gov/Index.aspx
Jan 8, 2025, 10:38:43 AM
Marla Austin - Great! Make sure to check out the links provided in the post to make sure you don't need a license to apply makeup in those states.
Oct 19, 2024, 10:14:23 AM
Meagan Miller - I’m interested in doing freelance makeup in Texas and California.